News & Topics

Oct.31,2024 topicsNISSAN TRADING EUROPE celebrates its 30th Anniversary
Sep.30,2024 topicsNISSAN TRADING AMERICAS celebrates its 40th Anniversary
Sep.5,2024 topicsJoin as an official sustainable sponsor of General Incorporated Association F.Marinos Sports Club
Aug.7,2024 infoNissan Trading Europe Ltd. established Paris Branch.
Jun.3,2024 topicsParticipate as a special sponsor and a walking partner in the "Walk in Her Shoes (WiHS) 2024" campaign
Apr.1,2024 infoThe Announcement of relocation of NISSAN TRADING (THAILAND) CO.,LTD Head Office
Apr.1,2024 infoAnnouncement of Corporate Executive Changes
Mar.29,2024 StoryA new story was put to the "NITCO x Project"
Mar.19,2024 topicsNew activities were added on CSR page
Jan.30,2024 infoSupport for the Noto Peninsula Earthquake in Jan 2024
Nov.1,2023 topicsNISSAN TRADING (CHINA)20th Anniversary
Aug.7,2023 topicsDelivery of Communication Vehicles based on Nissan Patrol ~2018 The Economic and Social Development Programme for Mongolia~
Jul.5,2023 StoryA new story was put to the "NITCO x Project"
Jun.1,2023 infoThe Announcement of Subsidiary Office in India relocation
May.22,2023 StoryA new story was put to the "NITCO x Project"
May.1,2023 topicsNISSAN TRADING (BRASIL)10th Anniversary
Apr.1,2023 infoAnnouncement of Corporate Executive Changes
Mar.14,2023 topicsNew activities were added on CSR page
Jan.31,2023 topicsNissan Trading becomes the sole supplier of equipment for new factory of Envision AESC
Nov.11,2022 topicsNISSAN TRADING (THAILAND) 25th Anniversary
Aug.31,2022 StoryStory about project with Renault
Jun.27,2022 infoAnnouncement of Corporate Executive Changes
Jun.1,2022 infoThe Announcement of corporate website renewal
May.9,2022 infoThe Announcement of Tochigi Sales Office relocation
Apr.1,2022 infoThe Organization effective on April 1, 2022
Apr.1,2022 infoThe Announcement of Nissan Trading(NITCO) Group's Organization Restructure
Jan.1,2020 infoEstablishment of the Liaison Office of Nissan Trading China Co., Ltd in Zhang Jiagang.
Apr.10,2018 infoNissan Trading 40th Anniversary of Foundation